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来源:头一无二网 编辑:探索 时间:2024-10-17 20:28:15




restaurant    餐厅    

steakhouse    牛排餐厅    

buffet    自助餐    

grill    烧烤    

barbeque (BBQ)    烧烤    

café    咖啡馆    

menu    菜单    

appetizer/starters    开胃菜    

entrée    主菜    

soup    汤    

salad    沙拉    

main dish    主菜    

side dish    配菜    

3-course meal    3道菜餐(开胃菜、留学主菜、场景辞汇辞汇餐饮餐后甜点)    

dessert    甜点    

check    支票    

tip    小费    

fast food    快餐    

pizza    披萨    

hamburger    汉堡    

sandwich    三明治    

dinner    晚饭    

make a reservation/book a table    预订位置    

order    点单    

a table for two    一张两人桌    

drink    喝    

eat    吃    

today's special    明天的高频特色菜    

steak    牛排    

pork    猪肉    

chef    厨师    

chicken    鸡肉    

allergic    过敏    

napkin    餐巾    

receipt    收条    

wrap leftovers    包装剩菜    

takeaway    外卖    

straw    吸管    

fries    薯条    

roasted    烤    

dressing    沙拉酱    

dress code    着装规范    

reputation    声誉    

doggy bag    将吃剩的食物打包带走用的袋子    

Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork    鱼香肉丝    

Moo Shu Pork    木须肉    

Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs    糖醋排骨    

Braised Beef with Potatoes    牛肉炖马铃薯    

Kung Pao chicken    宫保鸡丁    

Sliced fish in Hot Chili Oil    水煮鱼    

Sauteed Tofu    家常豆腐    

Sauteed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant    地三鲜    


鱼香肉丝 Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork

木须肉 Moo Shu Pork

糖醋排骨 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs

牋肉炖马铃薯 Braised Beef with Potatoes

宥保鸡丁 Kung Pao chicken

水煮鱼 Sliced fish in Hot Chili Oil

宧帯豆腐 Sauteed Tofu

地三鲜 Sauteed Potato, Green Pepper and Eggplant

四季豆 Sauteed Green Beans

炒马铃薯丝 Sauteed Shredded Potato

蚝油生菜 Sauteed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce

北京烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck

姜汁皮蛋 Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce

凉拌金针菇 Golden Mushroom with Vegetable

Sauteed Green Beans    四季豆    

Sauteed Shredded Potato    炒马铃薯丝    

Sauteed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce    蚝油生菜    

Beijing Roast Duck    北京烤鸭    

Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce    姜汁皮蛋    

Golden Mushroom with Vegetable    凉拌金针菇    

fried rice    炒饭    

plain rice    白饭    

fish and chips    炸鱼以及薯条(英国典型菜肴)    

regular drink    规范杯饮料    

large drink    大杯饮料    

all-you-can-eat    自助餐    

sunny side up    煎一壁的钱袋蛋    

over-hard    全熟蛋    

thousand island    千岛酱    

ketchup    番茄酱    

blue cheese    蓝纹奶酪    

Italian dressing    意式沙拉酱    

honey mustard    蜂蜜芥末酱    

whole wheat bread    全麦面包    

white bread    白面包    

toast    烤吐司    

instant noodles    便扑面    

chicken nuggets    鸡块    

mashed potatoes    马铃薯泥    

chicken thighs/drumsticks    鸡腿    

lettuce    生菜    

pickles    腌黄瓜    

onion    洋葱    

celery    芹菜    

Chinese parsley    香菜    

green onion    葱    

ginger    姜    

garlic    蒜    

chili    辣椒    

basil    罗勒;紫苏;九层塔    

cinnamon    肉桂    

cumin    孜然    

mint    薄荷    

mustard    芥末    

parsley    欧芹    

thyme    百里香    

vanilla    香草    

rosemary    迷迭香    

chives    韭菜    

spinach    菠菜    

cabbage    卷心菜    

Chinese cabbage    白菜    

cauliflower    菜花    

broccoli    西兰花    

mater convolvulus    空心菜    

turnip    白萝卜    

carrot    胡萝卜    

potato    马铃薯    

tomato    番茄    

eggplant    茄子    

cucumber    黄瓜    

loofah    丝瓜    

pumpkin    南瓜    

bitter gourd    苦瓜    

white gourd    冬瓜    

sweet potato    地瓜    

string bean    四季豆    

pea    豌豆    

soybean    大豆    

bean sprout    芽菜    

lotus root    莲藕    

green pepper    青椒    

taro    芋头    

asparagus    芦笋    

mushroom    蘑菇    

champignon    香菇    

corn    玉米    

aloe    芦荟    

pineapple    凤梨    

watermelon    西瓜    

papaya    木瓜    

chestnut    栗子    

coconut    椰子    

orange    橙子    

sugarcane    甘蔗    

pomelo    柚子    

juice peach    水蜜桃    

pear    梨    

peach    桃    

carambola    杨桃    

cherry    樱桃    

persi妹妹on    柿子    

apple    苹果    

mango    芒果    

fig    无花果    

almond    杏仁    

plum    李子    

Honey-dew melon    哈密瓜    

olive    橄榄    

durian    榴莲    

strawberry    草莓    

grape    葡萄    

lychee/lichee    荔枝    

longan    龙眼    

guava    番石榴    

reco妹妹end    推荐    

cream    奶油;奶精    

refill    再装满;续杯    

split the bill    分开付账单    

waiter    男服务生    

waitress    女服务生    

service charge    服务费    

smoking area    吸烟区    

non-smoking area    禁烟区    

well-done    全熟    

medium    五分熟    

rare    全生    

coffee pot    咖啡壶    

paper tower    纸巾    

table cloth    桌布    

tea set    茶具    

caddy    茶罐    

dish    碟    

plate    盘    

saucer    茶碟    

rice bowl    饭碗    

chopsticks    筷子    

soup spoon    汤匙    

knife    餐刀    

mug    马克杯    

fruit plate    瓜果盘    

toothpick    牙签    

business hours    歇业光阴    


Where would like to go for dinner?

This restaurant serves real Sichuan cuisine.

I’d like to make a reservation.

I’d like to book a table for six.

Could I take a look at the menu?

Are you ready to order?

I need a few more minutes to decide.

May I get you something to drink?

Just water, please.

What is today’s special?

Today’s special is New York steak.

How would you like your steak prepared?

Well-done, please.

What kind of food do you like?

I am not choosy about food.

I am allergic to onion.

I prefer something a little lighter.

I’d like some napkins, please.

May I have the check, please?

How about going Dutch?

May I have a receipt, please?

Please wrap these leftovers for me.

I’d like a pizza for here.

I’d like a hamburger, a big French fries and a Coke.

Where are the straws?

A: Are you ready to order?

B: Could you tell me what today’s special is?

A: Of course. Today’s special is rib with roasted potatoes.

B: I see. Could you give me a few more minutes?

A: Sure. I’ll be back in a little while.

A: What would you like, sir?

B: I’ll have the New York steak.

A: How would you like it done, sir?

B: well-done, please.

A: How would you like your potatoes?

B: Baked, please.

A: Would you like soup or salad?

B: A salad with thousand dressing, please.

A: Any dessert?

B: No, thanks.

A: How do you like the dishes?

B: Great! The steak tastes incredible!

A: I like it too! I like the fish, especially.

B: The food here deserves its reputation.

A: Let’s come back again.

B: You said it!

A: Check, please.

B: Yes, Sir.

A: I am afraid there is a mistake on the bill. I thought the steak is $ 28.

B: You ordered a full size steak. Half size is $ 28. Full size is $ 56.

A: I see. Here is my card.

B: Just a moment, please.

A: How may I help you?

B: I’d like a double cheese burger meal, please.

A: What kind of drink would you like with that?

B: A Coke will be fine.

A: Is that all?

B: Yes, that’s all.

A: Will that be for here or to go?

B: For here.

A: That’ll be 7 dollars.

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